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OSLA's Frequently Asked Technical Questions

Internet Explorer 6 (IE 6),Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) or Firefox. Note: tablet browsers may or may not work on this site. If you are having problems trying to access the site using a tablet browser, please use a browser on a regular desktop or laptop computer.

Go to Tools (at the top for IE 6, the Tools icon for IE 7) and choose Internet Options and then click on the Privacy tab. Change the setting to Medium or Medium High (see picture).

In Firefox, go to Tools, Options, and then click on the Privacy icon. Under Cookies, check the box to accept cookies (see picture).

Try it again. If you get the same error message, go to the "Forgot User ID or Password" page to retrieve your User ID and then you will go through the process of setting up the Challenge Questions, Security Image and Phrase, and Password.
Go to the "Forgot User ID or Password" page to retrieve your User ID. If you are not in the system, you will need to enroll.
Yes, clicking on the back button can cause errors. Please use the menu options for moving to the different screens on the web site.
For security reasons, when there isn't any activity from you after you log-on, you will be forced to log-on again after a bit of time.